30 UBE* Jurisdictions

Map of the United States showing which jurisdictions have adopted the UBE. Go to http://www.ncbex.org/exams/ube/ for the most current list of UBE jurisdictions.

27 jurisdictions currently administer the UBE. 3 jurisdictions will begin administering the UBE at a future administration (Massachusetts, July 2018; North Carolina, February 2019; and Maryland, to be determined).

*The Uniform Bar Examination results in a portable score that can be used to apply for admission in other UBE jurisdictions. For the most current list of UBE jurisdictions, visit: http://www.ncbex.org/exams/ube/

July 2017 MBE

46,627 July 2017 MBE Examinees

Number of MBE Examinees 2015–2017

2015: February 22,396, July 48,384. 2016: February 23,324, July 46,518. 2017: February 22,269, July 46,627

July 2017 MBE Mean Score 141.7

MBE Mean Score 2015–2017

2015: February 136.2, July 139.9. 2016: February 135.0, July 140.3. 2017: February 134.1, July 141.7

Standard Deviations
February July
2015 15.1 16.1
2016 15.0 16.7
2017 14.7 16.8

The values reflect valid scores available electronically as of 12/22/17.

November 2017 MPRE

20,798 November 2017 MPRE Examinees

Number of MPRE Examinees 2015–2017

2015: March 23,160, August 16,800, November 19,601. 2016: March 19,823, August 16,480, November 19,821. 2017: March 20,260, August 17,326, November 20,798

November 2017 MPRE Mean Score 94.1

MPRE Mean Score 2016–2018

2015: March 94.6, August 92.9, November 97.3. 2016: March 93.5, August 92.0, November 93.5. 2017: March 92.7, August 93.7, November 94.1

Standard Deviations
March August November
2015 17.4 16.9 17.5
2016 17.6 17.7 17.3
2017 17.1 18.0 17.4

The values reflect valid scores available electronically as of 12/22/17 on both standard and alternative forms of the MPRE.

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  • 2023
    2023 Year in Review

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  • 2023
    2023 Statistics

    Bar examination and admission statistics by jurisdiction, and national data for the MBE and MPRE.